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New CTC Claim

On New CTC Claim page, you can submit your ctc claims. Under Claim  Details section, you can view Yearly Entitlement, Prorated Entitlement, YTD Eligibility (Yearly Till Date eligiblity), YTD Paid, Claim Limit and Carry Forward details.

Note: You can submit your ctc claim only if you have submitted your FBP plan.

How to submit ctc claim?

1. Enter claim amounts for claim types.

2. Click Enter Medical Details link. Following pop up will open.

Self/Relationship list of relationships with you for whom you want to submit medical bills. You can choose one.
Patient Name name of patient.
Bill No. bill number.
Start Date start date of bill.
End Date end date of bill.
Amount amount of bill.

3. Enter the required information.

4. Repeat step 3 for another patient.

5. Click Next button.

6. Click Attach link for claim types to attach the bill details.

7. Select the checkbox after Claim Summary section. Following page will be displayed.

8. Click Submit button. Following pop up will open.

9. Click Confirm button. Ctc reimbursement task moves to Proof Verification stage.

10. Go to How to approve ctc claim? on CTC Claim List page.

You can view your ctc-claims on My Claims page.